Microsoft case study lean marketing

Case Study: How We Helped a Client Attract Microsoft as a Lead 

Microsoft case study lean marketing

Attracting big-name clients like Microsoft may seem like a distant goal for many software companies—but with the right approach, it’s more achievable than you think. Using a combination of Lean Marketing and Account-Based Marketing (ABM), we helped one of our clients land not just Microsoft, but other major brands, as valuable leads.

Here’s how we did it:

Targeted ABM Strategy:

We focused on reaching decision-makers within specific companies, tailoring personalized outreach campaigns that spoke directly to their business needs and challenges. We didn’t spray and pray—we engaged the right people with the right message.

Lean Marketing Approach:

We cut out the clutter by eliminating unnecessary marketing efforts, focusing only on high-impact, high-conversion tactics. This meant investing more time in understanding each target account and delivering content that resonated with their specific goals.

Consistent Follow-Up & Engagement:

Through a series of customized emails and strategic touchpoints, we kept engagement high without overwhelming potential leads. Our goal was simple: to build trust and provide value at each step of the journey.

The Result? Our client not only attracted Microsoft as a lead but also secured interest from other major brands—demonstrating the power of combining lean efficiency with focused ABM tactics. These leads were nurtured to convert into high-value, long-term business relationships.

Want to know how you can land clients like Microsoft using our proven strategies?

Setup a meeting with us,  where we ’ll show you exactly how to create a strategy that works, differentiate yourself, and connect with decision-makers—without spamming.

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